
How to Choose Colours Plus A Special Stuck At Home Offer

Are you still confused by Colour but would like to know which colours suit you and how to determine whether you a have warm or cool skin tone?

While we are in this difficult time where many of you may be stuck at home, I thought I would create some content that can keep you occupied and hopefully take your mind off this stressful situation.

So if you are thinking about having a wardrobe sort out I have filmed a video about colour which I hope you will find useful and informative.


In the video you will learn how to see which colours work for you, how to determine whether you have a warm or a cool skin tone and how to mix colours.


If by the end of the video you would still like some help I have created a special offer for you. I know many people will be struggling and as a small business I want to do my best to help you, while still making sure I can continue to run my business. So for the next few weeks I am offering my Personalised Colour Guide at 25% off. Plus...

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How To Mix Colours In Your Wardrobe

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One of the most common questions I get asked is how to mix colours in your wardrobe. You may know what suits you, but you either only wear a handful of colours or you don’t try different combinations of colours. That is one of the reasons I created the new Colour Manual. As well as showing you which is your best Dominant (Light, Deep, Warm, Cool, Bright or Soft) it will also tell you how to discover your secondary colouring; are you better in warmer or cooler colours and for Warm and Soft Dominants are you better in Bright or more Muted colours?

Once you know the answers to those questions you can start to personalise your colour palette by adding in colours that you love. Although you may have a Dominant palette with 30 or so colours in it, there are actually hundreds you can actually wear. Shades of the same colour in slightly lighter or darker hues will also work for you. If there is a colour you love that isn’t in your palette, you...

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Mini Capsule Wardrobes To Suit Your Colouring

This post contains affiliate links.

One of my most popular posts ever on the blog was about 4 years ago, but it still sends me traffic pretty much everyday. So this week I thought I would create a new version of 6 mini capsule wardrobes to suit your colouring. I was going to create a video but when I came to edit it, part of the film was blurred (agh) but I think it probably works better as a blog post anyway – Phew!

If you watched last week’s video about why I don’t believe in seasonal colour analysis, you will have seen that I talked about bringing in your personality to you colour palette. Sometimes – and it’s not infrequently – I have clients who don’t actually like the colours that suit them physically. To make a colour palette that works for them and that they are happy to wear, I make some adjustments. In fact it’s really common that those with Bright colouring don’t want to wear a bright red lipstick that should look...

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