
Wardrobe Decluttering: Tips and Tricks for Streamlining Your Closet and Reducing Overwhelm

We’ve all been there – staring at a wardrobe full of clothes, but feeling like we have nothing to wear. It’s easy to accumulate clothing over the years, especially as we are so frequently “influenced” by what is on social media, or by emails we receive on a daily basis with all the new in styles at our favourite brands. It’s important to periodically declutter and streamline our wardrobes. Not only will it make getting dressed in the morning easier, but it can also help reduce decision fatigue and overwhelm. We won’t wear what we can’t see.

Many of us keep things because they were expensive, they’ve hardly been worn, or that other favourite - we are going to lose weight to get into them. Instead what happens is we wear the same things over and over and we beat ourselves up about all those items languishing in our wardrobe. Getting dressed in the morning becomes something we loath when actually it should be a happy experience that...

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