Capsule Wardrobe Blueprint

Brand New - Everything You Need To Build Your Own Capsule Wardrobe


Creating A Colour Palette

How to choose a colour palette for your capsule wardrobe. How many colours do you need? How to combine colours in your capsule. How to add new colours. Plus lots of examples to inspire you.


How to design a unique capsule for your lifestyle. Formulas to determine how many pieces you need in your capsule. How to create one complete capsule or multiple small capsules to suit your requirements.

How To Choose Items

Detailed suggestions for every piece of your capsule. Complete walk through of a seasonal capsule showing you how to choose items to suit your body shape.

Creating An Outfit Catalogue

How to create a catalogue of your outfits that you can refer back to so you never need panic about what to wear again.


Examples To Inspire You

Seasonal Capsules

Holiday Capsules

Colour Based Capsule

French Inspired Capsule

Christmas Capsule

Plenty of examples to inspire you


50% Complete

Two Step

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