Elevate The Power Of Your Personal Style

From Invisible To A Force To Be Reckoned With 




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You want results and you want them fast!


Why do some women get the best restaurant tables, their dream clients or promotions? And why do you feel like you are hidden in the crowd waiting your turn?

You want to be seen

You’re fed up with hiding

But the problem is your confidence in the way you look is holding you back.

When you look in the mirror you don’t like what you see and you don’t feel inspired - so why would anyone else be?

You know you have a lot to offer, whether that’s personally or professionally, but you’re being held back by your self image.

The truth is your energy shrinks when you aren’t happy with the way you look and sadly you aren’t doing yourself or your clients/those around you any favours either.

You know that in order to move forward you need to do something, but as a midlife woman you were likely brought up to stay in the background and be a “good girl” not “show off” or put yourself forward.

But let me tell you - good girls and people pleasers seldom make history!


It’s time to stand up for yourself and out from the crowd, here’s how…


 Join Me For A Day Of Transformation At A 5* Luxury Venue

Here's the details:



Thursday 4th April 2024 10am-5pm

Pennyhill Park, Bagshot, Surrey


You'll discover:

  • What first impression you are making and why perception/image is so important
  • How to stand out from the crowd so you do get chosen
  • Your unique personal style keywords and how to use them to craft a magnetic and authentic personal style
  • What works for you, your lifestyle and your ambitions - so you can turn them into reality
  • What's holding you back and how to fix it
  • A mindset reboot so your confidence is restored
  • The key pieces for your wardrobe this season and why it's important to stay fresh and relevant
  • Your signature colours and pieces to stand out, or win friends and influence
  • Your bespoke action plan to get you the results you desire

With my knowledge and years of expertise, this transformative day is full of insights, styling and mindset shifts, that will ignite your creativity and unlock your personal style, as well as keep you fresh and relevant.

You will leave knowing how to create a wardrobe that saves you time and money BUT also gets you what you want and can earn you more money too!





"These exercises were brilliant in helping me understand what's important to me. I didn't realise how key this is to creating a wardrobe that feels like me - but the best me possible” 



"I wish you could just live inside my wardrobe, you've transformed how I feel about getting dressed. I am so thrilled and relieved that I have got my style sorted"



I cant wait to go shopping (from someone who usually HATES to shop!) I am so excited. "


Hi, I'm Maria, your personal transformation stylist


I've been helping women step out of the shadows on their style journey for the last 25 years

I'm excited to have developed this one day event for those who really want to up level their personal brand and style. My style of working with clients is collaborative, creative and empathetic and this event is designed to make you dig deep and uncover who you are so that you can reflect that authentically and powerfully in your personal style.


What are you waiting for?


 If you really want to make sure you get treated they way you deserve and desire, you can't sit around in your sweatpants waiting for something to change.

You need to take action and I'm here to guide you and cheer you on.

Let's lay the foundations so that you can create outfits with confidence that reflect who you are and your ambitions, whether personal or professional.
Once you understand this process and use it to your advantage your self confidence will grow in all areas of your life.




Elevate Day


Your day includes

  • Full day of fun coaching & insightful presentations
  • Your bespoke roadmap
  • Style Journal
  • Refreshments
  • Delicious Lunch
  • Feedback and one to one advice from Maria
  • Key seasonal pieces and shopping suggestions
  • Seasonal Colour and Trend Reports
  • Luxury 5* Venue